The Realistic Way to Spring-Clean Your Skin

Ready to reboot as we enter into spring? Us, too—which is why this April, we're decluttering our lives from every angle. Let's start with skin.
Giving your complexion a periodic detox is highly underrated. Not only does it allow you to reset, reboot, and reveal the natural glow you never knew you had, but it also allows you be in consideration of every ingredient you're putting on your skin on a daily basis. Imagine how many ingredients your skin is exposed to and absorbs in a year! A regular complexion cleanse would definitely do us all good, and now is the best time.
From the environmental damage we encounter everyday to the food put into our bodies, there are many factors that influence our skin. It's not surprising that our skin can easily become overwhelmed and begin to show undesirable signs like acne, dryness, and wrinkles.

Basically, you're just aiming to use minimal, ideally natural ingredients while phasing out everything else—even makeup, whenever possible.
Above is your guide of what products you want to phase out and which to embrace over the course of your complexion cleanse. Try it out for a three-week period and then begin moving back to a more regular routine. For the three weeks that you are cleansing, aim to use minimal—and ideally natural—ingredients while reducing the use of makeup.
Antonym Cosmetics Lola Lash Mascara ($30.50) and glo Minerals Luxe Liquid Bright Concealer ($39.00) are great natural makeup options for days when you feel like you need a little somethin’ somethin’ whether you are in cleansing mode or not. In general, natural skin care products are ok during the detox period, though it's never a bad idea to give your skin a complete breather from skin care products entirely.
Incorporate ingredients, products, and practices that aid with the detoxifying process.
Things like salt, clay, oil cleansing, and massages are going to pull impurities from the skin and assist in the detoxification. Herbivore Botanicals Detox Dead Sea Bath Salts ($24) are formulated to detoxify your body and clear your mind. It includes lavender and eucalyptus essential oils along with Cambrian Blue clay.
Manuka Honey is also an amazing ingredient for detoxification. This specific type of honey is obtained from the manuka bush also known as tea tree which explain why its so healing! The manuka honey magic is the fact that bees pass on the antifungal and antibiotic properties of the tea tree into their honey, which creates active hydrogen peroxide and methylglyoxyl. This makes manuka honey perfect for soothing inflamed skin while healing blemishes, increasing collagen cross-linking to promote the structural growth of collagen, and increasing skins' hydration buy drawing moisture into the skin.
Try the Antipodes Aura Manuka Honey Mask for a deeply moisturizing, cleansing and anti-oxidizing facial treatment including the traditional remedy of New Zealand Maori people.